MeWe Asia is an ad-free social network that may be accessed by the browser or mobile app. It has been compared to Facebook in terms of layout, design, and usefulness.
Users may publish text and photos to their timelines, share other members’ material, send disappearing messages, join and establish groups, and participate in private or group conversations on the site. Because the network lacks a newsfeed algorithm, members see their friends’ posts in chronological order.
Highly customizable newsfeeds, chats, a unique custom camera, vanishing content, stories, next-gen voice messaging, live voice and live video, private cloud storage, pages, custom group profiles, private and open groups, GIFs, memes, doodles, 2,800+ free emojis, and much more enhance your experience.
The following Asian Me-we group rules are in place to keep this group and its members safe, as well as to make this group entertaining for everybody.
You must be at least 21 years old.
There will be no illegal porn (child, animal, etc…).
NO Erectile Dysfunction Photographs!
No theft or re-posting of images from this group will be permitted. You’re out if we even suspect it.
There will be no forgeries. Don’t even contemplate about it because we know most of you from Gunnison or Facebook!
Posting images of other persons is not permitted unless you have their permission and have demonstrated it to an administrator.
Abusive behavior will not be tolerated. Bringing it in from another group is part of that.
Don’t make fun of other people or groups in this thread. If you notice any, DO NOT MANAGE IT YOURSELF. Message an administrator; it is our responsibility to take care of it.
I’m sure there will be things in this group that you don’t like; if this is the case, please scroll on by or leave the group. Notify an administrator if a rule is broken!
If you’re only chatting to one person and want them to view the photo, ask them if you may contact them and private chat with them before sending it.
Before initiating a private chat or adding them as a contact, always ask! DON’T BE NERVOUS.
Participate! Non-active members are most likely lurkers or photo stealers, and they will be blacklisted.
MeWe users have complete control over what they share, as well as complete ownership of their material and data. The next-generation social networking site lacks facial recognition, as well as newsfeed and content manipulation features seen on existing social media platforms. MeWe users view every post, conversation, remark, and so on made by persons, pages, and groups with whom they are linked in chronological order.
You have complete control over who gets and views your posts. Because there is no way to promote anything on Me-We, you can be confident that your postings will be shared only with users with whom you have a connection. Me-We Group Germany does not eavesdrop on your private postings since we find it strange how other firms do things like that.
Scroll Down For Group Links Social media has become an integral part of modern life,… Read More
Mewe group links Mewe Is social media platform with millions of users around the globe.… Read More
India is a vast country with a diverse population and culture. Each state and city… Read More
Scroll down for Joining links Mewe Groups Joining Links: Welcome to the mewe groups directory… Read More
GROUPS LINKS ARE MENTIONED AT THE BOTTOM;) MeWe Group Germany is a Next-Generation Social Network… Read More
Group Joining Links are mentioned at the bottom:)The editor In a world where the genuineness… Read More
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