
CORONA VIRUS all details from the beginning

Coronavirus was first identified in 1934. It was responsible for bronchitis in birds that can destroy the poultry stocks.


The First virus was detected in Wuhan.
The first person with the virus was a lady who worked in the seafood market in Wuhan, China. Means this virus has come from animals to humans and Later the virus had captured the whole world.
WHO has declared coronavirus as a pandemic. This virus has taken the world to a different level that no one has ever imagined before.

Current situation of the world,
Total number of people died 3,92,802
Total number of people suffering 66,63,304
The death toll in India stands at 6929 and still counting. With over 2.45 lakh cases, India surpassed Spain, becoming the fifth hit nation by the Coronavirus pandemic.

How corona virus can spread

  1. A coronavirus can spread from a person who sneezes or coughs without covering their mouth, dispersing droplets into the air.
  2. If he/she touches someone who has the infection.
  3. Also when touches a surface that has the virus, then touches their own nose, mouth, or eyes.

A country can have hundreds of thousands of deaths when they are in close contact. One of the biggest example infront of us is Spain.
Human pass the virus to other human
including high blood pressure, heart and lung problems, diabetes, and cancer.

Common symptoms

  • Runny nose
  • Headache
  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Sour throat
  • Muscle pain
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea


  • We can do self-care by resting and avoiding unnecessary travelling.
  • Drinking plenty of water.
  • Avoiding smoky areas.


  • Avoid going out of house
  • Not to be the part of mass gathering.
  • Avoid close contact from people.
  • Wash your hands at least for 30 seconds with soap.
  • Use alcohol based sanitizer.
  • Use alcohol based sanitizer.

People who are at high risk are Doctors, Nurse,caretakers who are in nursing homes. Police and Old age people.

Impact on economy

Economy was vast affected by this. There was a great impact on people’s life.

Global shares

The FTSE, Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Nikkei have all seen huge falls since the corona began on 31 December.Investor feared to invest their money in companies as they feel corona virus can end everything and there money will be wasted.

Crash in Oil prices

Crude Oil has a great demand in the market but as people remain inside their home. There was no use of crude oil seen and its already been affected by a row between Opec and now price drive by corona virus.

Shift towards technology

As the Order came for complete Lock down by government.offices, work place were closed. And employees stared doing work from home. Shares on Zoom app were up, as more people started doing video-conferencing.

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Hardest for Travel Industry

Travelling sector affected a lot, as all the international flights, jets were cancelled and also customers cancelling their holiday and business trip.

The effects of lockdowns are visible

As lock down begin, farmer, vegetable vendors faced a lot of problems.No one was buying the vegetables due to the fear of corona. And government did not allow them to open their shops due to lock down.

Factories in China slowed down

As Coronavirus taken a vast shape by spreading in large number of people, all factories were shutdown. Many labour lost their jobs.

Businesses shutdown

Many small businesses were closed. All business slowdown and many were stopped due to lockdown although essential services like petroleum and farming is still operational.

Shutdown in production

As factories were shut down, laborers are trying to go home some reached some are still stuck in metro cities and ultimately production shutdown.


Many e-commerce sites like Amazon, flipkart etc had taken action that, Not to deliver any products,later they decided to deliver essential but Not to deliver non-essential products.


If we talk about vaccines, No vaccine has been created till now.
So Be alert and stay safe.

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